Thursday, 7 May 2015

The Final Assessment

"Scotty you are one of the most complex cases we have had, you are definitely the the most complex I've had, you've just got too much happening in your body"
Well at least I'm special!
My report today showed several things
1. My weight was around 107-8 just under 2 weeks ago... now I'm 101.4kgs. Pretty excited about that as I haven't cracked the 100 barrier in over 20 years. Ironically it isn't good news, as they wanted minimal loss and my system to be stable. But when I can block myself up again, I have a new weight to start at. Its all come off my muscles...and the truth is I don't have many of them!
2. My waist went from 111cms to 104cms
3. My blood quality has come along in leaps and bounds
4. My body has remained heavily dehydrated... no surprises with my continued visits to the toilet!

He has given me an 84 day programme to try to take back control. I will have so many supplements, I'm pretty sure the NZ Customs will think I'm a smuggler/druggie:)
Adrian is trying to target 3 aspects;
-Internal parasites
-Leaky Gut syndrome and the fact there will be so much damage in there.
Then I can start looking at the head issues.

They have a theory that my Vagus nerve is what is not working properly... What is the Vagus, not a clue from me:)
It extends from the brain stem to the abdomen, via various organs including the heart, esophagus and lungs. Also known as cranial nerve X, the vagus forms part of the involuntary nervous system and commands unconscious body procedures, such as keeping the heart rate constant and controlling food digestion.

So I'm very aware that this is still the start of the journey... and its going to take time by the look of it. But hey, I'm up for that...after all, its all in my head...and my stomach ....and butt at the moment!!!:)
I have a new plan and that means direction...yay!

On a different tack...Its an interesting thing, dynamics of groups. This group is very different from our last one, this place is great again for sharing in journey's. I'm surprised with what people always share during the day. It's always a humbling time to know others have it worse physically and even more importantly others are losing hope in the future. I always learn so much from others.

The biggest thing that is truly dawning on me is how committed Jo is to our whole family going into this diet... it will be huge for me and the children...lucky Gran has been preparing for this with all type of healthy foods...maybe????

Jo and I see the value in putting the 8 parts of the Acronym - "NEW START" as a poster to help remind us and the children why things might look different.
Temperance...abstain & be moderate in the choices we make
Trust (For us in God) This can be different for others...

We still want people to know that we like to be invited out:) We won't come with a list of demands:) We would like to have more people over so Jo can show the magic of what she has been learning.

Tonight they covered the endocrine system again. It makes me realise even more how complex our bodies are. I am missing a lot with no Pituitary gland and having no Cortisol, Thyroxine and Testoserone. The Pituitary is supposed to send signals to the thyroid and Adrenal glands, so its all a bit humbling.

What many people are going through here is defined by the way we look at it.
Crisis or Challenge.

Lastly the coolest thing I saw today came from facebook... when I went to Hamilton in 1990 I was alone. In my last year of training I met this remarkable family, they are incredibly special to me and I love them and the entire family deeply...Love ya Barb, Thanks Sarah for writing this, all true!
They are one of the best examples I know of, Focused on God, and understanding a key love people unconditionally!
and whats even cooler nowadays is that my wife and Kids all love Aunty Barb as well!!!
Completely off the topic I know...but hey Mothers Day is coming up!

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