Sunday, 26 April 2015

Before I leave

So what am I hoping from this?

To start with I few stats

  1. I'm 42 years old... not getting younger!
  2. Married, and 3 fantastic children...10,8 & 5... I need energy for the future!
  3. I weigh 107kgs... which puts me in an obese category I have never enjoyed
  4. My fitness is non existent...if I push myself, I end up nauseous and vomiting... 
  5. Dietary... I love Coke, steak and most things sweet... Greens...hmmmmm
  6. My Wife Jo, loves a green, no sugar diet! Once of us needs to change... guess who?:)
  7. My concentration is poor, it spikes my headaches,
  8. I have huge issues with a poorly performing stomach and bowel system
  9. I have had my fair share of concussions.
  10. My kidneys have been under a lot of stress.
  11. I can be quite stubborn and not like change!
  12. I love life and refuse to be defined by this.
  13. I possibly have sleep apnoea, but am relearning breathing patterns...strange eh!
  14. I get tired more quickly.
  15. I'm working a day a week at school. Trying a year of a different pace.
If I can make improvements in any of these, Win! My wife is hoping it will impact my health issues and maybe encourage a typical Kiwi bloke to change his lifestyle.

This does scare me to bits... I like my food... to be told to go to no sugar, no dairy, no wheats or grains... well that means no fun foods. Food has always been a treat, reward, stress reliever and bad habit!

Living family Springs have discussed with us that they can help with...

  • recovery from radiation therapy
  • Exploration of my many medical issues from a naturopath angle.
  • Looking at how diet and supplements can help the body naturally heal.
  • 14 quality days of walking and talking with wife:)
  • and many more things I haven't even clicked to!
So we will be flying out at 9am...


  1. Hey Scotty, I've just had a look at the Living Family Springs website for the first time. It looks like an awesome place. Wishing you all the very best for your new adventure. We will all be thinking of you back home. I'll make sure I take one for the team and have some chocolate and a bottle of coke for you. Take care and remember to watch out for snakes on those romantic bush walks :)


  2. Hope this journey will help with your health. Looking forward to reading your journey.

  3. Thanks Julie... Now that is the process I need to work through:) the great thing about this place is I can't access anything bad...Great time with Jo so far:)
