After a 6:15 start for a morning walk and a 7am stretching and bouncing on rebounders session, which apparently is an excellent form of low impact fitness, we went for breakfast.
Now you may look at this and think Wow...Simone would... but this is very different for me, completely different. My wife gobbled this up in pure joy. I have to admit nutritionally this is an excellent breakfast. But I am a guy who love cereals or would have loved a bit of bacon... this is a change I know I need to make.
We had the hydrotherapy session today...first ever for those. Warm water goes in your butt and then at a point it sucks out everything... This keep going for 45 min. I don't know how to describe this experience...a lot of good jokes come to mind...and I have definitely identified this is not a career option for me. Funnily enough it made me feel worse and vomited... but Jo also was a wreck... she doesn't do headache pain well:)

I have been challenged today to start thinking about the way I do a lot of things.
The challenge for me is the triangle of a healthy body...
At the moment i'm trapped in a vicious cycle...
I struggle to sleep because of the pain...and I need to be sleeping before midnight
I struggle to exercise enough because of the head pain and nausea, which makes me vomit.
The nutrition, which Jo does a great job of is wasted because of a stomach and bowel system that are up the wazoo!
So a good starting point above. So today chatted to a naturopath who thinks my wife should become a naturopath! He listened well and our life stories have many great connections. He is consulting with his team before making a decision, apparently I am complex (have heard that before)
Some takeaways from today...
- Drink 1 litre a day for every 25kgs of weight... yikes 4 litres. Drink more if you do a lot of exertion.
- The body only allows a teaspoon of sugar in the blood stream, if you're not active the rest goes to fat.
- Faith and attitude to your sickness are key weapons in fighting the feeling/pain and a growing sense of depression and despair...yay I have those in abundance.
and lastly the steam steamy room then out under a cold shower...hmmm today I witnessed the fact that my lovely thin as she is, deals with cold water much better than I do... not one of my finer man moments!
Great looking breakfast ... amazing how much of western diet and lifestyle is the reverse of what it should be. You will be an expert soon. Keep up the good work. Kevin
ReplyDeleteOkay. I am inspired. I have decided to join you and cut out the sugar. If you can do it so can I! Praying praying praying. :-)
ReplyDeleteWow.... I would love that breakfast to... I always drool over Jos food. ... I am glad you both are doing this journey together. Patti